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Davide Chicco @CIBB 2024 - MMSP

Davide Chicco @CIBB 2024

Last week our colleague Davide Chicco has attended the 19th conference on Computational Intelligence methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics with a double hat: steering committee member and author.

On Thursday, September 5th, he presented the work “Longitudinal clustering on electronic mental health records reveals meaningful groups of disease trajectories” co-authored with Patrizia Ribino, Claudia Di Napoli, Giovanni Paragliola, Luca Serino, and Francesca Gasparini.

On Friday, September 6th, he presented the work “A method based on DBSCAN clustering to measure UMAP dimensionality reduction results” co-authored with Giuseppe Jurman and Francesca Gasparini.

Congratulations for the huge success, Davide!

Do not forget to follow Davide for more updates on his research and on the upcoming events he is involved in 🙂