Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for an Ageing Society

Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for an Ageing Society

Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for an Ageing Society

On November 29, 2021, the MMSP group has partecipated to the 10th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for an Ageing Society co-located with the AIxIA 2021 conference.

Professor Francesca Gasparini served as one of the Workshop Chairs, besides being a very active part of the whole conference organization and co-author of the MMSP presented works.

Alessandra Grossi, Aurora Saibene, and Marta Giltri made their presentations on age classification based on physiological signals, novel EEG-based BCIs for elderly rehabilitation, and affectivity and proxemic distances, considering also an agent based modeling approach.

Stay tuned to get the links to the recorded sessions of our talks!

International Workshop on Neurotechnologies and Human Rights

International Workshop on Neurotechnologies and Human Rights

International Workshop on the risks and challenges of neurotechnologies for human rights

On November 23 and 24, 2021, Professor Francesca Gasparini and I have partecipated as invited speakers to the International Workshop on the risks and challenges of neurotechnologies for human rights with a work entitled BCIs and wearables: reliability, ethics and security from a computer scientist to a multi-disciplinary point of view.

If you have lost the workshop, you can watch the recorded sessions at


After two days of intensive discussions we have come to the conclusion that ethical issues arising from the use of neurotechnologies require the attention of a multidisciplinary community and thus we thank the organizers, Doctor Marta Maria Sosa Navarro, Doctor Salvador Dura-Bernal and Doctor Carla Maria Gulotta, for having provided such a great occasion to exchange ideas with researchers from very differnt domains.

Looking forward to new opportunities to discuss these topics!