MMSP lab @AIxIA 2024

MMSP lab @AIxIA 2024

What a week we had starting November 25th, 2024!

All the members of the MMSP lab have travelled to Bolzano and participated in the 23rd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2024).

Here’s a summary of what happened.


November 25th

Claudia Rabaioli participated to her first conference as a PhD student!
She presented her PhD project during the Doctoral Consortium and stood tall in front of her poster while explaining her cunning ideas to support positive moods.


November 26th

We had a very full day.

It started with Aurora Saibene hosting with her co-chair Silvia Corchs and Simone Fontana the third edition of the Artificial Intelligence for Human-Machine Interaction workshop (AIxHMI 2024).

Immediately we had the invited talks of Francesca Gasparini and Davide Chicco at AIxHMI 2024 and at the 13th Italian workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM 2024), respectively.

In the afternoon, Alessandra Grossi and Aurora Saibene presented their contributions to the AIxHMI 2024 workshop.


November 27th

Besides at the social dinner, we also worked during the conference hours XD

Patrizia Ribino presented the work co-authored by Davide Chicco and Francesca Gasparini at the HC@AIxIA 2024 + D4SH 2024 workshop and gave a lot of interesting insights on their work during the poster session with Maria Mannone.



November 28th

Last but not least, Sofia Fazio presented the work co-authored by Francesca Gasparini as her first conference-presentation experience.

Moreover, the group led by Patrizia Ribino received the best paper award!


Stay tuned to stay updated!!!

Deadline extension for the 3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Human-Machine Interaction (AIxHMI 2024) @AIxIA 2024

Deadline extension for the 3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Human-Machine Interaction (AIxHMI 2024) @AIxIA 2024

Good news for our Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Human-Machine Interaction (AIxHMI 2024) at the 23rd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2024)!

Due to numerous requests, the abstract and paper submission deadlines have been extended to September 15th and September 22nd, 2024, respectively.

More details are available at the workshop dedicated website: or by asking the Workshop Chairs 😉
Silvia Corchs (, Simone Fontana (, Aurora Saibene (, and Jordi Solé-Casals (

Past article:

3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Human-Machine Interaction (AIxHMI 2024) @AIxIA 2024

3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Human-Machine Interaction (AIxHMI 2024) @AIxIA 2024

We’re back with our Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Human-Machine Interaction (AIxHMI 2024) at the 23rd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2024)!

This year we will move to Bolzano (Italy) from November 25 to November 28, 2024.

Dr. Aurora Saibene is co-chairing the AIxHMI Workshop with Prof. Silvia Corchs (@dista, uninsubria), Dr. Simone Fontana (@school of law, unimib), and Prof. Jordi Solé-Casals (@dept. of engineering, uvic).
The main aim of the workshop is to connect researchers and practitioners from different fields to collect multidisciplinary contributions on topics concerning HMI and especially on the influence that AI has in the interaction between humans and machines.

You can contribute to the workshop by sending your regular or short papers before September 14, 2024.

More details are available at the workshop dedicated website:

or by asking the Workshop Chairs 😉

Silvia Corchs (, Simone Fontana (, Aurora Saibene (, and Jordi Solé-Casals (

See you in Bolzano!

MMSP group participation in the 22nd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence

MMSP group participation in the 22nd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence

From November 6th to 9th, 2023 the MMSP group was at the 22nd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence held in Rome with two workshops and numerous presentations!


The Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Human-Machine Interaction chaired by Aurora Saibene with Silvia Corchs, Simone Fontana and Jordi Solé-Casals opened the MMSP roman week.
Six multi-disciplinary presentations were delivered and the three Invited Speakers Stefano Mazzoleni, Léa Pillette and Francesco Ferrise provided insights on the topics of neurorehabilitation, brain-computer interfacing and virtual reality.


On November 8th, Davide Chicco presented the work done in the cotext of the Age-It PNRR project in collaboration with Francesca Gasparini at the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare, receiving numerous questions and feedback from the audience.


Last but not least, Francesca Gasparini organized with Francesca Fracasso and Frida Millella the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for an Ageing Society chaired by Stefania Bandini, Luigia Carlucci Aiello and Gabriella Cortellessa.
The workshop received 11 papers and Marco Alberti delivered an interesting Invited Talk on the potential that AI has when dealing with the monitoring and support of caregivers.


Among the presenters our students and collaborators Giorgio Fratti, Lorenzo Olearo, and Patrizia Ribino presented works in the context of the Ampel and Age-It project, taking the interest of all the audience.


The week passed in a wink and we are very happy to have experienced such an amazing conference, meeting loads of people interested in AI and all its applications in different fields.

See you in Bolzano next year!

MMSP Workshops co-located with the 22nd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence

MMSP Workshops co-located with the 22nd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence

Starting from November 6, 2023, the MMSP group will be present at the 22nd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence ( with two workshops:

AIxAS 2023 is chaired by Professor Stefania Bandini of the LINTAR laboratory at DISCo, University of Milano-Bicocca, Professor Luigia Carlucci Aiello of Sapienza University of Rome, and Professor Gabriella Cortellessa of the CNR-ISTC of Rome.
Moreover, it sees Professor Francesca Gasparini as Organizing Chair with Doctor Francesca Fracasso of the CNR-ISTI of Rome and Doctor Frida Milella of the LINTAR laboratory at DISCo, University of Milano-Bicocca.
The aim of this workshop is to promote active and healthy ageing, which involve prolonging independent living, ageing well and maintaining social inclusion, by considering the pivotal role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on assitive technologies and smart environments that could support and help older adults.

You can contribute to the workshop by submitting ideas, position, short or regular papers until September 15, 2022.

AIxHMI 2023 sees Doctor Aurora Saibene as Chair with Professor Silvia Corchs of the University of Insubria, Doctor Simone Fontana of the University of Milano-Bicocca, and Professor Jordi Solé-Casals of the Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya.
The aim of this workshop is to investigate the role that AI plays within new scenarios that suffer from noise, are strongly human-centered and often require severe constraints in terms of computational costs and real-time processing, especially crucial when considering wearable devices and portable technologies. Moreover, it is interested in finding new AI techniques which exploit heterogeneous data sources, and describe the human environmental interaction in real, virtual, and augmented scenarios, to provide better HMI systems.

You can contribute to the workshop by submitting ideas, position, short or regular papers until September 20, 2022.

Please, visit the workshops websites for more details!

See you in Rome 🙂

Follow up on the “Hands-on Brain-Computer Interfaces” Workshop by Slobodan Tanackovic

We are very happy to share that the Workshop has been a huge success!

More than 20 participants have come to the Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication of the University of Milano-Bicocca to follow Slobodan Tanackovic’s talk on Brain-Computer Interfaces and join the proposed practical activities.

Heartfelt thanks to Slobodan for coming a long way to Milano and deliver such an amazing Workshop!

We would also like to thank all the attendees for coming, making a lot of questions and diving into the world of Brain-Computer Interfaces.

Stay tuned for new events and go take a look at the new Gallery section of the website!

Workshop “Hands-on Brain-Computer Interfaces” by Slobodan Tanackovic, June 5th 2023, 9:00 AM

Workshop “Hands-on Brain-Computer Interfaces” by Slobodan Tanackovic, June 5th 2023, 9:00 AM

Slobodan Tanackovic, Sales Manager at g.tec medical engineering GmbH, will hold a workshop on Brain-Computer Interfaces at the Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication of the University of Milano-Bicocca.

The event will take place on June 5th, 2023, starting from 9:00 AM in the Seminar Room at the first floor of Building U14 (Viale Sarca, 336 – 20126 – MI, Italy), according to this program:

  • Presentation of BCI basics.
  • Motor imagery task using recoveriX system.
  • Attention task using Unicorn Speller.
  • Code based EP using Unicorn Maze.
  • HISYS Simulink modelling for BCI applications.
  • State of the Art BCIs: invasive and ultra-high resolution techniques.

Participants will be involved during practical activities.

Please, fill in the following form to provide information on your participation to the event and notify the Organizers in case you will not be able to attend after having provided your positive answer:

Notice that the form accepts answers from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM on weekdays and it will not be available after the maximum number of seats is reached.

For detailed information, please refer to Doctor Aurora Saibene ( and to Professor Francesca Gasparini (

MMSP Workshops co-located with the 21st International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence

MMSP Workshops co-located with the 21st International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence

Starting from November 28, 2022, the MMSP group will be present at the 21st International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence ( with two workshops:

AIxAS 2022 sees Professor Francesca Gasparini as Chair with Doctor Filippo Palumbo of the CNR-ISTI of Pisa and Doctor Francesca Fracasso of the CNR-ISTI of Rome.
The aim of this workshop is to promote active and healthy ageing, which involve prolonging independent living, ageing well and maintaining social inclusion, by considering the pivotal role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on assitive technologies and smart environments that could support and help older adults.

You can contribute to the workshop by submitting ideas, position, short or regular papers until September 30, 2022.

AIxHMI 2022 sees Doctor Aurora Saibene as Chair with Professor Silvia Corchs of the University of Insubria and Professor Jordi Solé-Casals of the Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya.
The aim of this workshop is to investigate the role that AI plays within new scenarios that suffer from noise, are strongly human-centered and often require severe constraints in terms of computational costs and real-time processing, that are especially brought by new wearable devices and sensing technologies employed in the field of human-machine interaction.

You can contribute to the workshop by submitting ideas, position, short or regular papers until September 30, 2022.

Visit the workshops websites for more details (here we have not event touched the tip of the iceberg).

See you in Udine!

Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for an Ageing Society

Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for an Ageing Society

Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for an Ageing Society

On November 29, 2021, the MMSP group has partecipated to the 10th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for an Ageing Society co-located with the AIxIA 2021 conference.

Professor Francesca Gasparini served as one of the Workshop Chairs, besides being a very active part of the whole conference organization and co-author of the MMSP presented works.

Alessandra Grossi, Aurora Saibene, and Marta Giltri made their presentations on age classification based on physiological signals, novel EEG-based BCIs for elderly rehabilitation, and affectivity and proxemic distances, considering also an agent based modeling approach.

Stay tuned to get the links to the recorded sessions of our talks!

International Workshop on Neurotechnologies and Human Rights

International Workshop on Neurotechnologies and Human Rights

International Workshop on the risks and challenges of neurotechnologies for human rights

On November 23 and 24, 2021, Professor Francesca Gasparini and I have partecipated as invited speakers to the International Workshop on the risks and challenges of neurotechnologies for human rights with a work entitled BCIs and wearables: reliability, ethics and security from a computer scientist to a multi-disciplinary point of view.

If you have lost the workshop, you can watch the recorded sessions at


After two days of intensive discussions we have come to the conclusion that ethical issues arising from the use of neurotechnologies require the attention of a multidisciplinary community and thus we thank the organizers, Doctor Marta Maria Sosa Navarro, Doctor Salvador Dura-Bernal and Doctor Carla Maria Gulotta, for having provided such a great occasion to exchange ideas with researchers from very differnt domains.

Looking forward to new opportunities to discuss these topics!