Welcome to Mariana!

Welcome to Mariana!

We are very happy to welcome Mariana Alegría Palacios at the MMSP lab!


Mariana is a visiting MSc Student from the Center for Innovation and Development of Computational Technology of the National Polytechnic Institute (CIDETEC-IPN) of Mexico City.
Her main research interests are biosignal analysis and processing, biomedical device development, artificial intelligence and medical image processing.

Find more information on Mariana on her dedicated page.

Let’s continue exchanging ideas and expand our research community!





Congratulations to Sofia Cazzaniga!

Congratulations to Sofia Cazzaniga!

On Wednesday 25, 2024 our student Sofia Cazzaniga has successfully discussed her thesis on a “User-centred DL-based model for emotion recognition in music”.

Congratulations to Sofia for her hard-earned success!

Sofia is our first student from the interuniversity M.Sc. course in Artificial Intelligence for Science ad Technology, which is almost turning three years old!

We are looking forward to the possibility of working with more students on the topics carried on by Sofia and ready for the next graduation sessions.



P.S. Prof. Gasparini was also serving as President of the AI graduation session for the first time. Congratulations!

Bbtween: New technologies, rights and society: the bio-enhancement. A reflection through cinema.

Bbtween: New technologies, rights and society: the bio-enhancement. A reflection through cinema.

Prof. Francesca Gasparini and Dr. Aurora Saibene of the MMSP group are part of the Organising Committee of the bbetween course on “New technologies, rights and society: the bio-enhancement. A reflection through cinema“.

The bbetween is organised in two 2 hours theoretical meetings and three 4 hours thematic meetings supported by movie watching.
The meetings will mainly focus on genetic bio-enhancement, the concept of cyborg, and neurotechnologies.

Experts in law, ethics, computer science, artificial intelligence, neurorehabilitation, and neuroscience will be involved.

The course will allow students to obtain CFU for the Data Science course by presenting the Open Badge released after the participation in at least 4 out of 5 meetings and passing the final exam.

The course is proposed in collaboration with the Department of Business and Law, The Department of Law, and the Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication (RegAIns project).

The Organising Committee is composed by Dr. Marta Sosa Navarro, Prof. Francesca Gasparini, Prof. Carla Gulotta, Dr. Aurora Saibene, Prof. Silvia Salardi and Dr. Francesco Stocchi.

More information is available at:

Congratulations to our students!

Congratulations to our students!

On Friday 13th October, 2023 Claudia closed the MMSP students’ thesis discussions for the year by taking the Master’s Degree in Theory and Technology for Communictions!

A round of applause to our graduates in Theory and Technology for Communication and in the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science Xin Hui, Davide, Nicholas, Rocco and Roberto.

Congratulations also to Marta, who defended her PhD thesis at the beginning of this year!

We thank all of our alumni for having shared their academic path with us.

All the best for your future adventures!
The MMSP group

Claudia discussing her thesis

Welcome to Ulises!

We are very happy to welcome Ulises Villela Zuniga at the MMSP lab!

Ulises is a visiting MSc Student from the Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico.
He mainly works with electromyography and neural networks to design a musculoskeletal model to use in upper limb exoskeletons.

Find more information on Ulises in the website at the Our Students page.

Let’s continue exchanging ideas and expand our research community!

International Summer School on Advances in Artificial Intelligence

International Summer School on Advances in Artificial Intelligence

A new edition of the International Summer School on Advances in Artificial Intelligence will be held in Como at the Villa del Grumello!

30 Speakers from different Countries and Institutions will guide the students through the world of AI in 6 thematic sessions:

  1. Three shades of (good-old) modern ML: causal, lifelong and relational, cared by the AIxIA Working Group on “AI & ML”.
  2. Artificial Intelligence for Human Machine Interaction, cared by Professor Francesca Gasparini.
  3. AI meets physics: a glance, cared by Professor Marta Calvi.
  4. AI, language and computation, cared by Professor Enza Messina.
  5. AI and health, cared by the AIxIA Working Group on “AI & HEALTH”.
  6. AI and sustainability, cared by Professor Stefania Bandini.

Around 30 students have already signed for the School!

See you in Como!

Spring Session 2021 Graduations

Congratulations to all the MMSP students for their graduation!

Andrea and Thomas obtained their Master Degree in Theory and Technology of Communication discussing their theses on social distancing during COVID-19 pandemic and clustering of musical tracks based on elicited emotions and musical genre, respectively.

Alessio presented his work on the optimization of underwater images, obtaining his Bachelor Degree in Computer Science.

Congratulations to all of you and good luck for your next adventure!

First graduations of year 2021!

Sincere congratulations to all the MMSP students for their hard earned success!

Fabio opened the dances with his work on deep learning techniques applied to electroencephalographic signals and obtained his Master Degree in Computer Science.

Afterwards, Andrea, Cesare and Gabriele presented their Bachelor Degree in Computer Science works on physiological signal analyses, optical character recognition and web application development.

Last but not least, Alessandro and Sofia have been able to discuss in presence their theses for the Master Degree in Theory and Technology of Communication! They presented their works on distance learning and web architecture design.

Congratulations to all of you and best wishes for your future!


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The last graduations of year 2020 … congratulations!

The last graduations of year 2020 … congratulations!

Sincere congratulations to all the MMSP students that have obtained their degree during these challenging times!


Annalisa, Alessandro, Francesca and Roberta opened the graduation streak after having confidently discussed their theses for the Master Degree in Theory and Technology of Communication on different topics: from misogynist memes to device accessibility and affective computing.

Last week, Daniele and Luca obtained their Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, smoothly presenting their works on deep learning techniques for audio signal analyses and emotion recognition through physiological data.

Last, but not least, Alessandra discussed her thesis on the analyses of affective states deriving from physiological responses, having to deal with heterogeneous situations and subjects. She was brilliantly declared MSc in Computer Science.


Congratulations to you all and best wishes for your next adventure!


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